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    Short Stories with Tragic Endings

    2011-02-18.2 | nonlucid

    by , 02-19-2011 at 04:33 PM (760 Views)
    I am in a chair in in dark room that looks like a common room or something. I am sitting there under
    covers, going to sleep I guess, but my eyes are open. I see some guy I don't know walk by and go out
    the door. I look over at the TV ( CRT ) which has suddenly turned on and it is as if it is angled away from
    me. The screen is the glitchy purple color an lcd gets when viewed from an angle. The tv is slowly turning
    toward me and finally the color resolves. I think it is "That 70's Show". I wake up. It is dark and in my dorm
    at college. I should have realized that I have been sleeping in for a while now and it should be light but I
    didn't. I wake up, without moving, I think about the dream and decide not to write it down. Instead, I
    decide to try WILDing. I remain still and the sleep paralysis comes instantly. I feel immense pressure practically
    contorting my body. I feel like one of those mutating creatures from horror movies. My foot is on the edge
    of the bed and slips off, the "transition" dies down a bit but when my foot stops it continues again. I think,
    "It was not this intense the first time." then it stops. I think, maybe I've entered a dream? No, no I haven't.
    I get angry with myself
    and wake up for real. I decide, a false awakening would be a good thing to
    put in my dream journal

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    Updated 02-24-2011 at 02:58 PM by 41067

    non-lucid , false awakening
